Controlling viruses - new project From March 2015 newsletter

Controlling viruses - new project

Food borne viruses are a growing area of concern for the industry, and at present there is limited information on their management and control.

A new research project will investigate the survival and persistence of viruses on foods and in the environment, as well as assess the efficacy of food processes against viruses. This complements our new validated assay for the detection of hepatitis A and norovirus in soft fruits, salads and environmental swabs. The assay complies with the recent ISO technical standard ISO TS 15216:2013.

Virus-related foodborne illness is becoming a major issue, as highlighted by the recent outbreaks of hepatitis A in Italy and in the United States. Epidemiological data shows that norovirus is a large cause of infectious intestinal disease throughout the world. Evidence indicates that large outbreaks of norovirus have occurred due to contaminated foods such as soft fruit. Furthermore a 25% rise in the incidence of foods contaminated with viruses in Europe in 2014 was reported through the RASFF food and feeds safety alerts.

This new research is well-timed, as an update report on viruses in the food chain has just been published by the Advisory Committee for the Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF).

Contact: Suzanne Jordan
+44(0)1386 842013

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