Protecting your business from threats From February 2014 newsletter

Protecting your business from threats – TACCP

A core element of the defence of food supply is a systematic evaluation of vulnerable elements of the supply chain. This has been called 'Threat Assessment and Critical Control Points (TACCP)'. Richard Leathers explains what TACCP is all about:

"TACCP is a method, partly similar in tools and techniques to those used with HACCP, that assesses hazards and risks to the business, process or product from attack for malicious purposes, fraud, or gain for individuals or groups at the expense of the targeted organisation. The threat or attack may come from either internal or external sources.

These threats can then be evaluated, documented, reduced and mitigated. TACCP provides some approaches to the developing problem of malicious attack and compromise of integrity for the food and drink industry. Its implementation and application should be both practical and proportionate, and should help businesses deter potential attackers. As well as malicious contamination and sabotage, it can also be used to combat food fraud.

Although there are some similarities with HACCP, the TACCP team may need to include different or additional disciplines from the one used for conducting a HACCP study, such as security and material sourcing/purchasing, Information Technology and Human Resources. Because the TACCP Flow Diagram will be written to capture the entire process, not just that which takes place at the manufacturer's site, it will almost certainly therefore be more detailed and involved than in conventional HACCP.

More familiar will be aspects such as team selection, process flow diagram, listing potential hazards, hazard analysis, assessing control measures, selecting appropriate corrective actions, verification and documentation/records, which are common to both, although the approaches to implementation may differ.

Part of the validation process may involve an assessment of systems implemented, by an independent third party. In addition, guidance and advice can be sought on best practice and the tools, techniques, considerations and mechanisms needed to effectively conduct a TACCP study. We can assist you in each of these areas. Please get in touch if you want to find out more.

Contact: Richard Leathers
+44(0)1386 842105

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