Project: Effective low aw food and environment decontamination technologies

Project team: Emma De–Alwis, Rob Limburn and Joy Gaze
Running: January 2013 – December 2015
Project Number: 128882
Proposal documentation

For many years, low moisture foods such as chocolate, seeds, nuts, cereals, spices or flour were regarded as microbiologically safe due to their inherent product characteristics. Due to the high heat resistance of microorganisms in low aw foods, there is growing concern for the potential presence and survival of Enterobacteriaceae (Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Cronobacter) through the decontamination steps and the processing environments used for these products. This is a significant problem within the food industry which can cause enormous losses to manufacturers and risks the health of consumers. This project will evaluate, validate and improve the decontamination technologies used for low aw foods whilst building on the information derived from the current MFR project on Salmonella. Critical control points, operational prerequisites and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) will also be considered.

  • Featured highlight

    Research Summary Sheet (RSS): Technologies for validation, best practice and development of low Aw food and environment decontamination.

    View summary...

  • Featured blog

    Salmonella in dry foods blog: The potential presence and survival of Salmonella in low–water–activity ('dry') products.


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    Craig Leadley explains how to pasteurise dry ingredients such as herbs, spices, powders, nuts and seeds.


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