- PhD
- BSc: Food Science
Latest publications
- Parasite detection in food: Current status and future needs for validation - Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2020
- Evaluation of new or rapid detection methods for monitoring key contaminants in food production environments - R&D 464
- Control of viruses in foods - persistence of target virus surrogates - R&D 455
- Intelligent Process & Product Design using new Predictive Tools - R&D 426
- Food safety risks associated with pathogens recently linked to foods - R&D 341
- A code of practice for microbiology laboratories handling food, drink and associated samples - Guideline No. 9
- Catalogue of rapid microbiological methods - Review 1
- Guidelines for the design and safety of food microbiology laboratories - Guideline No. 66
- Fungal forensics: an evaluation of three commercial identification and characterisation systems - R&D 294
- Listeria monocytogenes biofilm-associated protein (BapL) may contribute to surface attachment of L. monocytogenes but is absent from many field isolates - Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2008
Suzanne has worked here at Campden BRI since 2005, following nine years of PhD and postdoctoral research experience in food microbiology and molecular biology of food microorganisms.
Suzanne is the lead for third party microbiological method validation studies for AOAC, MicroVal and NordVal, is a Retailer-approved Method Review Co-ordinator, and is involved in several research and contract projects for developing and evaluating new methodology. Alongside this, she is an industrial PhD supervisor for a project on the of fine-tuning dietary fibre to target gut microbiota accessibility.
During her career to date she has participated in multidisciplinary research projects involving European partners, developed expertise in a range of molecular techniques, and presented her research at an international level and in peer-reviewed journals.
Areas of interest
- Food safety
- Food spoilage
- Rapid microbiological methods
- Molecular based detection, typing and tracking techniques
- Next generation sequencing technologies for microbial profiling Probiotics, prebiotics, and gut health
- Microbiology of plant based products
Specific areas of expertise
- Salmonella
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Development and optimisation of microbiological methods
- Method validation and verification
- PCR and molecular detection methods
- Molecular-based and sequence-based typing and tracking techniques
Other activities within industry
- Member of MicroVal Technical Committee (evaluating microbiology method validation protocols and studies)
- BSI AW9 member and ISO WG3 member working on ISO16140 validation methods for viruses, parasites and microbial toxins