
Food regulations aim to ensure that food is safe and of adequate quality. Food and drink legislation, understanding its implications and remaining alert to changes can be challenging. Below is a collection of articles related to food regulations. To find out more about our regulatory services get in touch –

Range of high fat, salt and sugar foods

Promotional restrictions in the UK for products that are high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS)

An open consultation for England was opened in December 2022 on the introduction of secondary HFSS legislation for the further advertising restrictions on TV...

Kiwifruit sliced in half

What you need to know about kiwifruit and other emerging elicitors of food allergy

Like for many crops, the use of kiwifruit is growing and changing across a range of food streams. This research shines a light on what food business operator...

Algae and seaweed growing in water

The allergenicity of edible algae – implications for food business operators

Food business operators need to be aware of seaweed and algal derived products as potential sources of food allergens in their food chains, and what to do to...

Woman making a purchase online using a credit card

Evaluating the food information, labelling and unintended food allergen presence of imported prepacked foods and drinks purchased online

Frequent food and drink product recalls occur globally due to incorrect labelling of food allergens. Here we present research into products from 12 countries...

Selection of doughnuts on shelf

What are the differences between nutrient profiling models and ultra-processed food classifications?

An overview of each classification system and the differences between them. Plus, what the future may hold for classification models/systems.

White paper
Chinese food selection

Upcoming New Standard for Food Additives in China

Key amendments to be aware of in China’s new GB 2760-2024 National Food Safety Standard on Uses of Food Additives.

Selection of herbs and spices

What are the regulatory considerations around ‘natural’ alternatives to additives in the EU and UK?

In the EU and UK, food additives need to undergo an authorisation procedure before use in food products. Here we cover how food additives are regulated, how ...

Selection of common allergenic foods

Optimising food allergen management – through risk management and risk communication

This white paper is structured into these four key sections and summarises some of the key insights and updates shared during our ‘Optimising food allergen m...

White paper
Excavator clearing area within a forest after trees have been cut down

Navigating the EU Deforestation Regulation and UK Forest Risk Commodities regulations

As well as addressing consumer demand for sustainably sourced products, food and drink manufacturers also need to navigate these new due diligence and tracea...

Green plant shoot coming up through soil

The latest ‘greenwashing’ updates – responsible communication of environmental, sustainability and green claims

Outlining the latest regulatory developments in the EU, UK and other English-speaking markets, the challenges they present and how to approach them.

Man presenting with flip chart in front of an audience

‘Hot topics’ top 5 – the key focus areas and industry challenges that our members are talking about

The hottest topics that were most discussed in our 2023 Member Interest Group (MIG) meetings, why these issues are ‘hot’, what the challenges are and how we ...

Woman selecting fruit in a supermarket

Understanding and setting food and drink shelf-life in the GCC region

Covering what the GSO is and its role within the GCC, how food and drink shelf-life is regulated in this region, and how to overcome the challenges that this...

Consumer reading food packaging label in supermarket

Allergen labelling

In EU legislation, there are 14 groups of food raw materials that must be labelled on food and drink packages if they have been deliberately included as an i...

White paper
Woman in supermarket reading food packaging and comparing two food products

Frequently answered questions about EU-harmonised and UK food law

Based on common enquiries received by our Regulatory Affairs team, we have compiled some key information on the provision of information on labels of prepack...

White paper
Woman reading dairy product label. Product pulled from supermarket fridge

Food allergen management and labelling – the food industry’s evolution

Helen Arrowsmith, Regulatory Affairs Manager and Allergen Specialist reflects on the industry’s evolution with respect to food allergen labelling and managem...

Close up shot of wheat growing in field with sunlight bursting through

Food allergen labelling – the difference between ‘gluten’ and ‘cereals containing gluten’

Helen Arrowsmith (Regulatory Affairs Manager and Allergen Specialist), Christopher James (Safety and Quality Specialist, Allergens) and Lewis Wallis (Regulat...

Consumer reading food label

Are you following developments in precautionary allergen labelling and information?

This blog discusses precautionary allergen labelling/information (often referred to as ‘may contain’ statements) and details recent developments in this area.

Wine bottles on shelf displaying labels

Recent developments in alcohol labelling

One of our regulatory experts clarifies and simplifies some of the recent changes and developments in how alcohol labels need to be presented.

Factory auditor inspecting factory

Using our manufacturing best practice service to support your certification

Hear from Richard Leathers about two very different factories to which he has provided Manufacturing Best Practice support to help the teams gain new certifi...

Food service MIG

Webinar: Food service MIG - Autumn 2022

Your Member Interest Groups (MIGs) meetings were online this Autumn. Tuesday 29 Nov 2022

Minced beef in petri dish being picked up with tweezers

Major milestone for human food made with cultivated animal cells in the United States

The FDA announced that it has completed its first pre-market consultation for a human food from cultivated animal cells. The product, by UPSIDE Foods, is mad...

Australia and New Zealand networks

Health and nutrition claims for foods in Australia and New Zealand – and how these differ from those in the EU/UK

In Australia and New Zealand, nutrition content claims and health claims for foods are regulated by Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code – Standard 1.2....

Single-use plastic waste

Single-use plastic ban in the European Union

The EU Single-Use Plastics Directive is making big changes to food service packaging habits. With the EU member states taking a variety of approaches to put ...

Colourful sweets and chocolate

Replacement of shellac in food

Since January 2022, the Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom (UK) no longer permits the use of their trademark logo on new products containing the food a...

Looking at food allergens through magnifying glass

Nearly 70% of respondents consider cross-contamination the biggest challenge when dealing with food allergens

When asked in our recent poll, ‘What do you consider to be the biggest challenge with allergen management?’, an overwhelming 68% of respondents chose cross-c...

Food service MIG

Webinar: Food service MIG - Spring 2022

Your Member Interest Groups (MIGs) meetings were online this Spring. Thursday 24 March 2022

white cake

Titanium dioxide: The reformulation challenge countdown has started

Titanium dioxide (TiO2), also known as E171, is widely used for optimising whiteness to foods. Following the adoption and publication of a new EU Regulation ...

A loaded China Shipping Line container ship

Exporting to China? Register with the GACC to comply with new food products regulation.

This year, the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (GACC) released Decree No. 248 and Decree No. 249, with a view to regulate...

Cargo ship

Recent developments in Chinese food legislation

This presentation explains the registration process that overseas food manufacturers need to go through when exporting their food products to China. ...

Food service MIG

Webinar: Food service MIG - Autumn 2021

Your Member Interest Groups (MIGs) meetings were online this Autumn. Tuesday 14 October 2021.

Legislation on country of origin or place of provenance for primary ingredients

Legislation on country of origin or place of provenance for primary ingredients

Legislation relating to the provision of information on the origin of primary ingredients applies from 1 April 2020

White paper

Cannabidiol in food and drink – what are the issues?

Ingredients derived from hemp (Cannabis sativa) are stimulating innovation in a wide range of food and drink products.

Pre-packaged food in coffee shop

Allergen labelling of prepacked foods

This presentation discusses allergen labelling worldwide and how it compares to the EU.

Cakes and baked goods

Calculating duty correctly

Duty is paid when goods are brought into a country or trading area. Rates of duty are different for different commodities and different origin countries.

Novel Foods

Novel Foods Regulation – what has changed?

This presentation discusses the changes to the definition of a novel food, the authorisation process and how the new Regulation makes it ea...

Food packaging

Five things to get right when making a sensory claim

It is becoming increasingly important for producers to differentiate their products in a way that will provide a competitive advantage and entice consumers t...

Novel foods

Changes in approval of novel foods

The new Novel Foods Regulation (2015/2283) applies from 1 January 2018 and revoked the previous legislation that had been in force for 20 years.

Beer labels

Nutritional labelling of alcoholic drinks

Labelling of ingredients and nutrition information on most alcoholic drinks has long been voluntary in the United Kingdom, European Union and most world mark...

Sports food

Regulatory considerations for sports foods

The majority of 'sports' products including protein powders and drinks are now regulated as ‘normal’ foods.


Arsenic – complying with new limits in food

Arsenic is known to be harmful to health, but not all forms of arsenic are equally toxic.


Updates to Canadian food labelling requirements

Following swiftly on from similar changes in the United States, on 14th December 2016, Health Canada announced changes to certain labelling elements.

White paper
Halal compliance

Halal compliance, the big issue?

One of the areas that our International Regulatory Affairs team frequently get asked about is compliance with Halal requirements.

White paper

Exporting food and drink to the USA

The United States is an attractive market for many UK and European food and drink manufacturers.

White paper
Food labels

United States Food and Drug Administration Nutrition Facts Panel Requirements Update

In one of the largest changes to food labelling legislation in the United States of America for decades, the "iconic" Nutrition Facts Panel on food packages ...

White paper
Gluten Free

Changes to gluten-free labelling legislation

The legislation regarding gluten-free labelling and information is changing; new rules apply from 20th July 2016.

White paper

Nutrition and health labelling

Adequate human nutrition requires the regular intake of around fifty different components of foods, split between the macronutrients, the micronutrients and ...

White paper
Japan flag

Japan – a gateway to Asia

Choosing the right market when exporting food is an exciting yet challenging task.

China flag

Introduction to the China National Food Safety Standard for Uses of Food Additives

In order to strictly regulate the use of food additives and food flavourings and re-build the confidence of consumers, China has now streamlined its food sup...

USA flag

Food Safety Modernization Act

Changing rules for food businesses exporting to the US.

Novel food

New EU Regulation to speed up approval of Novel Foods

A new EU Novel Foods Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2283 will come into force on 31st December 2015 and apply from 1 January 2018.

Allergen testing in laboratory

Exploiting the Asian market

Attractive incentives and extensive support are available for companies interested in reaching or supporting the food and drink market in north-east Asia.


Nutrition, health and wellbeing: the consumer perspective

Over the last 5 to 10 years there has been a growth in research and media attention in the areas of health, nutrition and well-being from the perspective of ...


Food Information to Consumers Regulation: FAQs

The Food Information to Consumers Regulation (Regulation (EU) 1169/2011) is being referred to using several different abbreviations.

White paper
Exporting to the UK

Exporting to the UK

Steve Spice and Julian South discuss some of the issues that those exporting food and drink to the UK need to consider – including labelling ...


Tolerances for nutrient values declared on a food or drink label

Tolerances for nutrition labelling purposes are important as it is not possible for foods to always contain the exact levels of energy and nutrients that are...

White paper

A planning guide for implementing FIC labelling changes

Having worked on the practical implementation of getting the requirements of FIC onto a physical label, I understand how difficult and daunting this task can...

White paper

Product development and the Responsibility Deal

The Public Health Responsibility Deal is a government–led initiative to tap into the potential for businesses and other influential organisations to make a s...

Food labels

The FIC is making plenty of work for us, too!

Food legislation is a complex area, with plenty of pitfalls for the unwary.

Change in food labelling legislation

Change in food labelling legislation

Principal food law advisor Ruth Price discusses the main provisions of the Food Information Regulation, which is due to be enforced in December ...


Carbon footprinting of your operations

In June 2012 the UK Government announced its decision to introduce mandatory carbon reporting for large companies listed on the London Stock Exchange.


The Food Information Regulation: 10 things you need to know

The Food Information Regulation has finally been agreed. Published on 22 November 2011, it came into force on 13 December 2011.

White paper
Drinks label

All change on labelling requirements

The Food Information Regulation has finally been agreed. After much debate, we now know what changes to food labels are going to be required.

Labelling expertise

Labelling expertise

The UK's leading centre of expertise on food labelling.

Case studies

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