Discover the solution for your failing product
7 September 2022 | Jo Baker-Perrett, Food and Drink Microstructure Team Lead
Whether you have a product that is causing customer complaints or one that you are struggling to successfully develop and launch, our experts are here to discover the optimal solution to turn around its fortunes.
Here at Campden BRI, we have the in-house expertise, equipment and resource to resolve the more tricky and elusive answers to why your product is failing.
Our team are ready to undertake expert analysis to confirm/rule out hypotheses, search relevant literature for similar occurrences or collate relevant information around your topic of interest.
How we do it
Physical characterisation is important when analysing and measuring the ‘quality’ of food and drink products. Here in the Food and Drink Microstructure Team we characterise the properties of food and drink products with regards to their physical properties, identifying the textural, structural, rheological, and thermal properties of food, drinks, ingredients, and intermediate products such as doughs/batters. We investigate ingredient functionality including much work on plant protein functionality such as gelling, emulsification, foaming and much more. However, we also apply this to our consultancy problem solving service to all our clients.
What you will discover
We identify the potential causes of a deterioration in quality, undertake analysis to confirm or refute these and then use our vast body of resource to provide you with the optimal solutions to these quality issues.
Quality issues we regularly solve include:
- Breakdown of sauces and emulsions
- Deterioration in colour
- Changes in texture
- Fat blooming or beading desserts and caking of powders over time
For example, enzyme (amylase) activity, which breaks down starch gels, is a common issue for a breakdown in consistency over time and is often overlooked as a problem due to the process being designed to deactivate these enzymes. However, there are certain points during a process that can negate the controls if not performed correctly or are not doing what they should, such as; samples being left for a few hours before being heat treated, cooking vessels not reaching a consistent temperature or having cold spots, or being contaminated etc.
Reasons to choose Campden BRI
- Our experts have unrivalled experience in collaborating with clients to tackle costly issues
- An ability to quickly identify not only the problem but more importantly the required solution
- Access to a huge body of research plus our instrumental characterisation techniques.
So, whether it is issues with sauces thinning over time, breakdown of emulsions or any other deterioration in quality, we can provide insight into what is causing the issue and provide recommendations on how to solve it.
Contact us today and let us solve your challenge together.

About Jo Baker-Perrett
After graduating from his master’s degree in chemistry from the University of Sheffield in 2014, Jo worked in education before joining us in 2016. Since then, Jo has worked in the bakery department, and then in Food and Drink Microstructure, after which he started managing this section, which is mainly focused on physical characterisation and ingredient functionality.
Jo has published various Campden BRI research reports and trade press articles, as well as producing regular food industry blogs for our website.
How can we help you?
If you’d like to find out more about we can help solve your product issues, contact our support team to find out how we can help.
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