Contamination risks and control in food processing facilities: Campden BRI seminar
The food and drink industry needs to understand the challenges with regards to food and drink contamination risks and controls, and gain increased awareness of the issues and proactive methods to overcome hazards. Contamination risks and control in food processing facilities, a Campden BRI seminar to be held on 16 June, will bring together all parts of the food chain to gain a better understanding of the topic and control measures that can be put in place. It will cover impact, responsibilities and concerns, and there will be presentations in the areas of microbial, physical, chemical and allergenic risks and their control.
The event will be applicable to those responsible for hygiene and food safety within the food industry, quality and technical managers, retailers and food service professionals, indeed those new and old to the food industry, from both technical and non technical backgrounds.
For further information on the seminar - please contact Daphne Llewellyn-Davies on +44(0)1386 842040 daphne.davies@campdenbri.co.uk