G10\4 Food safety management in agriculture 4th Edition

Cover for G10\4 Food safety management in agriculture 4th Edition

4th edition (2015)

ISBN 978-0-907503-84-2

The safety and quality of food is an important and high profile subject. Primary production is an integral part of the food supply chain and primary producers need to meet their food safety obligations by implementing appropriate food safety management systems.

This includes the implementation of Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) as part of Good Agricultural Practice, which may be completed by adopting a formal HACCP system. Traceability is also an essential element. It is against this background that this document has been developed.

The focus of this fourth edition has been widened to better reflect the role of GHP, which underpin a HACCP system. It incorporates guidance on the role and application of GHP, HACCP and traceability systems in primary production. Two approaches (GHP- based and HACCP-based) to identifying, evaluating and controlling hazards significant to food safety in primary production are provided, each of which can be operated independently but are also, in parts, complementary

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