G5/2 Foreign bodies in foods - guidelines for their prevention, control and detection

Cover for G5/2 Foreign bodies in foods - guidelines for their prevention, control and detection

2nd edition (2004)

ISBN 0-905942-68-X

Identify and exploit the latest technology for the prevention, control and detection of foreign bodies in foods, as part of a systematic food safety assurance programme.

The guide builds on the widely used first edition, with extensive revisions reflecting the significant technological advances and the practical experience gained in the intervening nine years. Developed by a working group of foreign body experts drawn from food companies and equipment manufacturers, the emphasis of the guide is on practical systems and procedures, from which companies of all sizes can identify those most appropriate to their needs. Part A deals with control and prevention of foreign bodies whilst Part B covers detection and removal, and Part C provides useful reference information - such as contact details for suppliers.

Softcover - 86 pages

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Format: Hardcopy only

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£50 - Non-members

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