Benchmarking through chemical analysis From October 2016

Benchmarking through chemical analysis

Food and drink companies frequently want to answer questions such as: What makes our product different from those of our competitors? or What has changed in our product that has altered its sensory characteristics and/or its acceptability to consumers?

Allying our state–of–the–art analytical equipment (Time–of–Flight Gas Chromatography/Mass spectrometry – GC-QToF-MS) with sophisticated statistical analysis software is allowing us to do just that. We can compare key components in a product such as orange juice, wine or coffee, and see how they differ from those in a similar product – be it a competitor’s version or another batch from the same company. Product and flavour expertise can then be used to determine which of the differences are of significance. As such, it is an ideal tool for a variety of benchmarking and quality control exercises.

Contact: Rob Levermore
+44(0)1386 842264

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