A day in the life of Greg Jones From January 2016

New consumer test centre opens in the Midlands

The new Campden BRI consumer centre significantly extends our ability to support members through consumer studies.

Peter Burgess, Head of Consumer and Sensory Sciences, said: “We’re experiencing continued growth in demand from businesses across the food chain looking to include consumer input into various stages of product development. These include identification of consumer needs through to concept development, prototype evaluation, product positioning and post-launch evaluation.

There is a growing focus on a structured approach to NPD to optimise appeal and the chances of success in a competitive market, especially given the squeeze on product launch timelines. Reliable insight into what consumers want from products – derived from a rigorous, structured approach – is essential.

We are regularly asked to help define what consumer need the product is trying to address, identifying what target consumer segments the product is most relevant for, understanding what the compelling and credible features of the product are, and critically how much will people pay for the product. We can help ensure that precious resources are focused on products with the most potential – to maximise return on investment.”

If you are interested in how our consumer testing works, visit tastingfood.co.uk/video.php

Contact: Peter Burgess
+44(0)1386 842122

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