Latest new technologies bulletin published
Each year we monitor and evaluate new technologies that our members see as holding the greatest value and potential to help the food industry. Our findings come in the form of research and development reports or bulletins that include case studies of the new tech, a technology newsfile and a patent review.
In our recent bulletin, we focused on developments in X-ray processing for quality to detect holes in bread (see page 2), and foreign body detection for safety (see February newsletter page 7). Find out how we applied this technology and keep up to date with developments in novel and emerging technologies by reading it in full - Go to NTB 55 - Quality and foreign body detection using In-line X-ray CT scanning (member sign-in required).
We’re always looking for feedback on technologies to explore or review. Submit your suggestions to newtechnologies@campdenbri.co.uk so we can investigate technologies that interest you.
Contact: Danny Bayliss
+44(0)1386 842254