UV-C treatment of materials 23 May 2018 Press Release

Campden BRI sets up club project to assess UV-C treatment of materials entering high care areas

UV-C is a non-thermal, non-chemical technology to inactivate microorganisms, based on UV light. Campden BRI is inviting companies to join a club project to provide validation guidance and independent data for UV-C treatment for a range of different materials as they are transferred from low risk to high care areas.

UV-C is increasingly being using by manufacturers because it allows them to reduce water and chemical usage and treat water sensitive items. However, there is limited published information on the method and it can be expensive to validate the processes for all materials and microorganisms.

The club will be of interest to companies who are considering or using UV-C technology to decontaminate items they are moving through different factory zones.

The project will generate:

The club project will start in September and last for two years.

Participating companies will have the opportunity to exploit the findings for their own commercial purposes. The project will be jointly funded and steered by the members of the project.

Please email Danny Bayliss for further information – or call him on +44(0)1386 842130

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