Campden BRI seminar: Food labelling update
Food labelling legislation has changed substantially over the last few years. Companies need to be fully aware of these changes and of other laws that relate to particular aspects of food labelling in order to produce legally compliant labels.
A Campden BRI seminar, 5 December, will focus on important developing labelling challenges and outstanding provisions of the EU FIC and provide delegates with an opportunity to catch up on emerging food information and labelling issues.
Topics that will be discussed include how to effectively communicate sugar reduction progress in line with Public Health England Guidelines, UK and EU Member State front of pack schemes, portion size labelling, nutrient profiling and origin labelling of primary ingredients. In addition the seminar will consider the fate of UK compositional standards and the status of protected product names after 'Brexit', marketing and sustainability claims, the increasing use of social media and considerations when choosing a legal name of products.
Our training team will be happy to help with any enquiry on +44(0)1386 842104 or at training@campdenbri.co.uk