Foodborne viruses: Campden BRI seminar
Foodborne viruses present a continuing challenge to the safety of fresh produce, ready–to–eat foods and pork products. This Campden BRI seminar, which takes place on 24th November, will focus on current information and the challenges posed by the main foodborne viruses, namely norovirus, hepatitis A and hepatitis E.
The seminar will provide up–to–date knowledge and opportunities for discussion and networking with experts in the area, and will cover:
- Current priorities for foodborne virus research
- Updates on NoVAS (Norovirus Attribution Study) FSA funded project
- Challenges in methods for detection of viruses in foods
- Control measures related to industry settings
- Latest information on norovirus culturing
- Risks posed by hepatitis E in the pork supply chain
- Update on recent outbreaks
For further information on the seminar - please contact Daphne Llewellyn-Davies on +44(0)1386 842040 daphne.davies@campdenbri.co.uk