Campden BRI sets up club to investigate kombucha brewing
Campden BRI is inviting companies to join a club project to investigate numerous aspects of kombucha brewing, including symbiotic culture make-up and storage, scale-up, brewing and effect of ingredients on developing a consistent process in the production of kombucha. Kombucha is a sour and slightly sparkling beverage prepared by fermentation of tea consumed worldwide.
The club project will be of interest to current kombucha brewers, drink manufacturers and suppliers of kombucha ingredients and retailers.
The project will:
- Investigate the organisms involved with a view to optimisation and understanding scale up
- Monitor changes to populations of bacteria and yeast as batches are repeated
- Look to understand the effect of changes on the sensory profile
- Develop an ideal model for consistency of kombucha brewing practices
The club project will start in October 2018 and last for two years.
The pre-competitive research will be steered by the club of participating companies. Each member will be able to exploit the findings for their own commercial benefit.
Please contact Eung Lee or Dr Maria Angeles Aguilera for further information:
eung.lee@campdenbri.co.uk, +44(0) 1737 824266 (technical expert)
maria.aguileracuriel@campdenbri.co.uk, +44(0) 1737 824215 (scientific lead)