Campden BRI invests in suite of packaging testing equipment to help manufacturers reduce waste and cost
Food and drink technology company Campden BRI has invested in five new pieces of equipment to further expand its range of specialist food and drink packaging testing services to help companies further reduce food and packaging waste and cut costs. The investment comes on the back of its industry consultation with its 2,400 members at the beginning of the year, which revealed that one of the big issues the food industry was facing was designing packaging to minimise waste. Areas highlighted by industry included maintaining the safety and quality of the product throughout its shelf life, delivering safe and compliant packaging, designing packaging to minimise waste, and anticipating and managing the impact of regulatory and technical changes on packaging.
The new kit at Campden BRI includes equipment to carry out pendulum impact tests, automatic can seam assessments, torque and coefficient of friction tests, as well as an environment chamber for precise control of temperature and humidity during oxygen and water vapour transmission tests.
Mike Bonin, Packaging Technologist at Campden BRI said: "Manufacturers are keen to reduce food waste and excessive packaging. But light - weighting packaging without compromising its preservation and protection functions is inherently difficult. Go too far and you end up with wasted food, which is much more costly and wasteful. It’s a continual balancing act to try and get more from less. In addition to protecting the quality of the product as it moves through the supply chain, manufacturers are increasingly looking for packaging solutions that can reduce food waste by extending the shelf - life of the product. The investment in additional equipment means we can now offer clients over 30 package performance tests across a range of areas, including strength and integrity, leakage, seam assessment and permeability testing to ensure that packaging meets manufacturers' specifications and performance requirements."
Bonin continued: "With so many demands on packaging, it's essential to employ a holistic approach to packaging innovation and problem solving. Our multidisciplinary team includes experts in packaging technology, microbiology, chemical analysis, consumer and sensory testing, regulatory advice and hygiene, who have been working together for some of the biggest names in the food and drink industry for decades."
To find out about the full range of packaging services available and see some of the tests in action visit http://www.campdenbri.co.uk/services/packaging-analysis-and-testing.php