Seminar: Challenges of shelf life testing- sustainable packaging
Food manufacturers and retailers have made commitments to move to sustainable packaging where possible. Shelf life is a key consideration when a new product is developed, or packaging is modified.
This seminar, on 8 November, will focus on the challenges of shelf life and shelf life assessment when using sustainable packaging. Efficient approaches to shelf life testing practices, the benefits and limitations of shelf life prediction, rapid methods of assessment and shelf life extension will be discussed. There will be a range of talks from industry, academia and Campden BRI experts. Konstantina Karagkika from Innocent Drinks will discuss shelf life testing from a technical manager’s perspective and Carolin Edinger Anton-Paar will talk about rapid shelf life testing of foods/oils and fats. Helen White, special advisor at WRAP will chair the event.
Delegates will learn what to consider when using sustainable packaging and the potential effects on product shelf life. Delegates will also gain an insight into the practical challenges of shelf life testing when using sustainable packaging. The benefits and limitations of shelf life prediction, rapid methods of assessment and shelf life extension will be discussed
The seminar is relevant to most of the food and drink industry, including retailers, SMEs, start-ups, those working in NPD, packaging experts, food marketing experts, commercial and technical managers and anyone who is involved in shelf life testing.
Our training team will be happy to help with any enquiry on +44(0)1386 842104 or at training@campdenbri.co.uk