Aseptic processing - Campden BRI seminar
Consumers' awareness of and demand for high quality food products means that aseptic processing is a 'hot topic' again. The combination of continuous heat treatment and aseptic packaging can provide high quality food in a cost–effective way: shelf life is extended, hygiene and food safety are enhanced, and storage is convenient.
This Campden BRI seminar, to be held on 4 April will cover:
- Reasons for choosing aseptic processing for high–value, sensitive products
- Target food products
- Case studies – what can go wrong?
- Novel approaches/technologies
- Hygienic design
- The importance of accurate calculations
For further information on the seminar - please contact Daphne Llewellyn-Davies on +44(0)1386 842040 daphne.davies@campdenbri.co.uk