Microorganism facts at your fingertips From February 2012 newsletter

Microorganism facts at your fingertips

How susceptible to heat is Clostridium perfringens? What are the environmental sources of Alicyclobacillus? And what are the minimum pH and aw for growth of Listeria moncytogenes?

These are the types of questions that are answered in our latest guideline, a series of one-page monographs on the pathogens and spoilage organisms of most concern to the food and drink industry. Each monograph contains a brief introduction about the organism, and the minimum conditions for growth and destruction, and then goes on to list its sources, foods particularly at risk, and guidelines or legislative limits for the organism in food.There are also paragraphs on key methods of control, and on the likely spoilage defects or illnesses caused by each organism.

Designed for microbiologists and non–microbiologists alike, Guideline 68 (A guide to microorganisms and their control) is a handy summary to help you answer those regular day–to–day questions.

Contact: Kristina Booker
+44(0)1386 842048

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