R&D reports: Assessing a product’s ‘open life’ and Modelling and simulation of food
Assessing a product’s ‘open life’
The shelf-life of a product changes once it has been
opened. We call this its ‘open life’. We study it to
determine how long a product will remain acceptable
for consumption. Influencing factors include the
microorganisms present in the local environment, such
as in a fridge.
A recently published R&D report produced by microbiologist Linda Everis covers how a product changes after opening. Samples of an opened cooked-chicken product were stored in consumers’ fridges and the species and levels of microorganisms were investigated over time. The results will allow our members to more accurately determine their products’ lives once they have been opened. The report is free for members.
Contact: Linda Everis
+44(0)1386 842063
Modelling and simulation of food
Modelling and simulation are useful tools that can
reduce the need for time-consuming and costly practical
trials. The finite element method (FEM) is a
computational method that allows simulations to be
made from complex systems. However, most of the
food industry is unaware of this technique, including its
ability to solve problems, optimise processes and study
food materials. A new R&D report introduces FEM,
including how it can be applied to food applications. n
Read the full report at campdenbri.co.uk - search ‘RD460.
Contact: Andrew Bosman
+44(0)1386 842000