Sustainable brewing and distilling
Welcome to the environmental guide webpages which provide a framework for the water, energy and waste efficiency auditing in the Brewing and Distilling Industries as well as incorporating a significant number of case studies on the environmental best practice in breweries and distilleries around the world.
The website is structured to follow the brewing and distilling process steps. The guide aims to help breweries and distilleries by providing energy and resource efficiency tips for each process stage and complement the information with a case study on the related topic. The suggested efficiency measures can save costs through process improvement and energy and water use reduction.
This Guide could also be used to carry out internal environmental audits in breweries or distilleries. Index page provides a quick overview of all available information with links to individual pages.

These pages were developed in 2006 by Campden BRI with the support of the Grants Committee of the Institute of Brewing and Distilling (IBD).The Case studies have been researched and added to this site through a further grant from the IBD in 2011/12.
For more information regarding the Institute of Brewing and Distilling visit their web site